Complete the Early Bird Interest form for the S3- UK events on 19 and 20 June 2024 and receive your Early Bird Discount Code. The event will be held in Coventry United Kingdom.
S3 is 2-day conference and expo including a focus on the science, engineering and commercialization of electrochemical assays and biosensors. The conference and expo follows our inaugural S3 event - Digitization for a Sustainable Future.
What makes the S3 events so special is the perfect balance between research, development, manufacturing, commercialization, and financing.
The value of S3 is the synergistic sum of the: speakers, attendees, senior execs, PhD students, policy makers and funders.
Who should attend
All those who want to explore the commercial concerns, opportunities and pathways in the exploitation and translation of electrochemical sensor and assay technologies.
Senior Execs
PhD Students
Principal Investigators
Chief Scientific/Technical Officers
Policy Makers
Regional Enterprise Organizations
What's included
Update talks from leading electrochemical assay companies.
Update talks from leading academic assay developers.
Funder talks from: EPSRC, BBSRC, Innovate UK, KTN, Charities, Private Investment Community.
Speed poster presentations from the PhD/DPhil community.
Commercialization Road Mapping and Strategies: soft funding, hard funding, boot strapping, patenting, trade marking, crossing the chasm, readiness levelling, business planning, sales and marketing planning, exit strategies, licensing and trade secrets.